Tuesday, November 9, 2010

so much to be done

(image and pad available by finchandhawk.)

So what does a girl do to fill the days before her man comes home after a year??

Man, it's a long list. Partially because the list started before he left.

There have been things that I'd planned to do while he was gone, you know, to pass the time. They are still sitting staring at me. Really? You've had how many days, Karen, and that pile you vowed to go through is in its same exact spot? Sigh, yes.

So in an effort to have Jim think that while he was gone, I had it all together all the time, I still have to:
  • Empty out the big bin that's been hiding on the other side of my bed. It's full of notebooks, mail, and other stuff I pulled off of my counter the day I hosted a baby shower for 20.
  • Get my husband's favorite picture framed that he asked, "Maybe while I'm gone you can finally get that done?"
  • Wash the dogs. It's been a while.
  • Clean out the garage. Baby stuff has taken over and I'm not sure he can get his motorcycle out.
  • Organize our bathroom closet. It's only gotten worse over the last year.
  • Get a pedicure! Because I'm pretty sure one of the first things he's going to notice is my feet. Ha!
  • Speaking of, I should probably shave my legs, too.
  • Shampoo rugs.
  • Clean the house. (more on that later.)
  • Wash our sheets and comforter.
Slowly things are being crossed off. But time is a'tickin', people!


Andrea said...

Don't worry Karen, I've got a whole hallway and bedroom of piles that have been staring me down for the past 3 years. I need a PCS to end this game of chicken!

Congratulations on making it through the year!! I pray you (and I) never have to do it again.


Lindsay @ Hello Hue said...

ah, I'm so excited for you! That's the happiest To-do list ever! I too, had tons of things on my list still when Chris came home.

So happy for you guys and glad to see some blog posts lately! :) I've been praying for you over the year! Have a great weekend!

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

I wish I could take Eli for the day so you could tackle that list!! Good luck and can't wait to hear that he is home!

Happy said...

I'm thinking the leg shaving and the motorcycle accessibility would be top on Jim's list? They'd be the top 2 on Derek's for sure!

Hope you get most of it done and that being busy helps pass the time!!!