Just another Army wife from the east coast who's keeping it real in El Paso, TX. On any given day you'll probably find me with our newborn in one arm and a sewing project in the other.
CPT James O. Grube HHC 501st BSB, 1/1 AD FOB Warrior APO AE 09338
if I'm Karen, then who's Stella?
To make a long story short... While living with my grandparents some years back I had my own unique window into the lives of two amazing people, Nana and Gpa. Occasionally when my Nana would "encourage" my grandfather a little to earnestly, he would call her by his mother's name, Stella. I knew I had crossed that line when one day I, too, earned the name of my great grandmother... It seems the nickname stuck. Whenever I get a little too bossy with my husband, I hear Jim's loving voice mutter under his breath, Stella!
Great pictures! I love your finish line shot. :-)
That photo of your big finish is awesome!
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