Saturday, September 6, 2008

oh, hanna

Well, we had grand plans of kayaking with friends down the James River with tents and camping food in tow. But thanks to Hanna, things have changed and we're onto Plan B. Off to my sister-in-laws. I hope you all have a great weekend - stay dry!

(Here's a picture of Miss Hanna this morning. I live at the little green star.)


mrsbuckett said...

I hope your weekend proves to be great despite the rain. Thanks for your suggestion about my camera. I just called Kodak and they will repair it for free I just have to live without it for 2 weeks. I thought for sure I was going to have to replace it.

Happy said...

I am terrified of hurricanes.

Really, I would not be able to live in place where hurricanes frequently pass through.

I would have no fingernails left.

Be safe and stay dry. I'll say a prayer that Hanna quiets down and just goes away.

Anonymous said...

I know how much you looked forward to this weekend. Maybe you can go Kayaking Sunday.

Muthering Heights said...

Oh no! I'm sorry that your plans were ruined. :(