Saturday, August 8, 2009


So the night didn't go according to plan. Thanks to bouncing on this bad boy (above), who makes contractions feel oh so much better, they actually started to slow down. Way down. After three hours of timing almost regular 5 minute contractions, they dropped off. So I went to bed.

Which in hind-sight was the best thing because I was exhausted and needed sleep. And I think I'm even grateful for the false alarm I complained about last night because it made me less anxious to go in and get checked. I didn't realize how uncomfortable monitors and hospital chairs were until then. And in wanting to stay home as long as possible, I got another night's sleep in my own bed.

So this isn't quite as frustrated a blog post as I would have expected. Though my patience is waning. Today is week 41.


Megan said...

I'm so sorry. Hopefully you can rest and just chill. I had long early labor with Catherine and I was so stressed b/c I was still early and I was so afraid it was false labor and didn't know whether to call my mom to drive 4 hrs to come watch Ella. So if you can, rest, sleep, watch movies, take walks...whatever helps!

Two suggestions of addicting things to watch, Veronica Mars Season 1 (my fav in the world, you would LOVE Veronica - she's your type of girl!) and Friday Night Lights Season 1 (my second fav). Maybe you can get them at Blockbuster or the library. I think they could be as distracting as SYTYCD (is it even possible?!)

Love you - he will be here before you know it!

Angela said...

Hang in there Karen, he will come. Good call on getting as much rest as possible, labor can wear you out!

Muthering Heights said...

I'm sorry to hear that...but I'm glad that you were able to get some rest.

Crafty P said...

oh yes, your own bed is FAR MORE comfy (even at 41 wks) than the hospital bed with a monitor attached and nurses checking in every 10 minutes or so...

until they break your water (or it breaks on its own) it's slow going.

praying for good timing and a healthy baby G!

Lynzi said...

So glad you got another night of sleep. We are praying baby grublet comes soon!

erin w. said...

Awe, sorry he's not here yet, maybe this means he's a laid back baby! ;-)

Happy said...

Oh my I missed two posts...I hope that by the time I'm typing this comment you are doing some serious lamaze breaths and maybe even pushing.

Though if you are not, I like Megan's suggestions.

Hang in's frusterating, but you'll be cradling that baby boy soon...promise.

Have you eaten anything spicy yet?

Have you, uhm, (gulp) uh, tried going the route that got you here in the first place????

Old wives tale, maybe. But if there's even a chance it would work....

I'm just sayin.

JKHoward8 said...

I had a dream that you had little Grubelet and that you named him Boxson...have no idea where that came from. Oh well, thought you should know in case you needed more options, although I'm not sure if it a real name! And don't feel bad about false alarms...I didn't want to be that girl either and went three times in the same day...third time was the charm!

Unknown said...

Hang in there - the time is very soon :-) We are praying for you.

Shawna said...

I cannot wait to see the post "YEP" but he will come in his time. Babies always do! Thinking of you & wishing you were closer so we could be crafting during this waiting time. Take care of you!!