Tuesday, June 24, 2008

so I'm not good at this blogging thing

Thank you George Bush.

What I did instead of blogging
Between friends and a lazy sleep-in-Saturday, I worked on my latest project this weekend: a laptop cover for my new Mac!  Made of felt and velcro stickies, it's nothing fancy, but I like it!  I think I'll have to make some changes since the velcro keeps pulling off of the felt when I open it.  Maybe a large elastic band?  Ah, the joys of making something up as you go along.

(My apologies...)
Maybe blogging isn't my strong suit as "give me week" turned into "give me a month" very quickly.  It's not that I've been busy, mind you, just intimidated by the idea of it all.  Yes, intimidated by a computer and the wide open web.  I'm sure every blogger has the panic attack (what do I write about?  who will care enough to read it?  should I have a blogging theme?) but you just have to start somewhere...


Anonymous said...

I care... keep on writing sista!

Great cover. Are you loving Mac?
I must say when I saw the velcro, I thought... how very proud your Mom must be. :-)
Don't hate me!

Megan said...

I like reading! I love feeling connected/updated on friend's lives - whether it's craft projects or traveling fun. I'll keep checking in so I can "hear" from you - once a week or once a month!

Erin said...

i'm checking almost every day, so i don't care if you tell me what you had for breakfast or wax philosophical about the effects of ethonal on the economy (random). Just keep writing.

Kerri Smith said...

yeah, i check in all the time, too. i've been waiting for the imix post! :)

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is proud of you. It is, however, alright to sew the Velcro on. 8-)
Your Velcro Mom <><

Anonymous said...

I love that cover you are making. I am so jealous of your talent. I have so many ideas in my head and absolutely no practical crafty skills!

Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Now that you are in my easy links I'm checking on you (almost) daily. A fun and easy way to keep up with busy Karen. I'll be caught up pretty soon so keep writing!

Mom's right about handstitching to secure the velcro. You've probably already fixed the problem (or it's in your pile of to-dos :) but you can also use a button and loop closure or ribbons to tie. VERY cute idea. You have a special Karen style that I admire so very much. Love you girl-

Victoria said...

I don't know how I found your blog- but it's great! I love this laptop protector and may make one for myself. Thanks for the inspiration!